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Joh Seo

Student Lab Member

Joh Seo

Joh Seo comes from a social work background, focusing on community organization. Now studying for a Ph.D. in Information Science at the School of Communication and Information, Seo is exploring

Yehuda Perry

Student Lab Member

Yehuda Perry

Yehuda Perry’s career as a software engineer and data scientist led him to his research interests in Information Science studies. Perry’s research interests sit at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence

Haein Kong

Student Lab Member

Haein Kong

Haein Kong is a Ph.D. student in Library & Information Science. Her research interest is in computational social science and human-centered data science. She is especially interested in data science

Josh Rochotte

Student Lab Member

Josh Rochotte

Josh Rochotte is a Ph.D. student in Information Science at the Rutgers University School of Communication and Information. His research uses human-centered data science methods to investigate personal wellness and

Eunbin Ha

Student Lab Member

Eunbin Ha

Eunbin Ha is a Ph.D. student in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University. Her research examines people’s interactions with emerging technologies, and especially the broad spectrum of

Casey Randazzo

Student Lab Member

Casey Randazzo

Casey Randazzo is a Ph.D. student studying mediated and interpersonal communication. Internet culture fascinates Randazzo; her research focuses on how strangers self-identify, cope, and bond online.